You might find it hard to believe that as we speak, people are trying to take advantage of your lack of knowledge about free government grants to rip you off your hard earned money. It often starts with an "innocent" phone call to inform you that you have just been chosen to receive a free government grant, even though you never applied!
Unfortunately way too many people around the country fall for this fraud, which in most cases is performed by highly trained professionals, and THEY CAN come across as very, very convincing.
This one might shock you if you have fallen for that scam: there is no such thing as a Personal Assistance Grant Bureau of the US Federal Government! That's right! Many people fall for this one.
What they do next, is get their filthy paws all over your beloved money, and they have many, many ways to do so. Usually, the person who calls you, will identify him or herself as a respectful and loyal employee of the federal government, they will then ask for your bank account number, so they can easily "deposit the money".
Needless to say, they will do the exact opposite. Oh Yes! They are going to take your money! These sad, sad facts are almost funny considering how these clever scammers and fraudsters have gotten some of their victims to wire them cash.
Keep in mind though, that a person has to be in a very fragile state, desperate or perhaps gullible to go that far, and many people have done it!
Most of the time they cover it up by telling you that the expenses are for paying some fee. They either charge you a registration fee to their system, a S&H fee for a set of documents, a fee to write an application for the grant on your behalf, a wire transfer fee, or even a donation to children in needy countries. They have even gotten people to pay them taxes owned on the supposedly free government grants, even though they never filed an application for one!
The truth is, that because of the lagging economy and the new awareness that government grants and financial aid is available, the competition for each grant is hard. If we look at the statistics and face the real facts, for each grant available, there will most usually be several applications just waiting and pushing to try for it.
To find an alphabetical listing of federal personal assistance visit website’s Government Benefits, Grants, and Financial Aid page.
Personal financial assistance available from the government includes:
- Social Security/Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid or State Social Services
- Student Loans
- Small Business Start-up Loans
Yeah, good call on this! While grants do exist, you'll NEVER receive a call about them, and you'll also never need to pay anything up-front - submit an application, sure, but never an investment.
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