Sunday, April 11, 2010

Home Energy Grants

Are you paying too much of your income on utility bills? When money is tight, you want to do everything you can to reduce wasteful energy consumption, lower your bills and increase your spending power on what's important to you and your family.

With over 5 billion in funding throughout the last 3 decades, the Weatherization Assistance Program helps low-income families to permanently reduce their energy bills and water consumption by making their homes more energy efficient. Government grants have assisted more than 6.4 million low-income families lower their energy bills, reduce water and sewage fees and increase property values.

Increased Spending Power

Energy expenses comprise an economic drain on low-income communities. Energy bills, bill  by collection and service shut-offs can cost you up to 20% of your income. With weatherization, you can slash hundreds of dollars off your energy and utility bills. These savings add up, and are significant for many low-income families. And because weatherization addresses the safety of major appliances, the utility has fewer emergency calls.

Affordable Housing

Because weatherization upgrades the energy systems in homes and apartment buildings in low-income communities, it increases the value of housing in these communities. By reducing long-term energy costs, weatherization also makes these housing units more affordable and more attractive in the market. In this way, weatherization helps address the nationwide shortage of affordable housing.

Home Energy Grant Programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 have already helped thousands of Americans, upgrade energy systems in their homes. A quick search online for "home energy grants" will bring up a lot of useful information. Talk with your local state official to find out more about qualifying for government grants and financing to make your home energy efficient.


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